There is hereby established a committee on import licensing composed of representatives from each of the members 特此设立进口许可程序委员会,由每一成员的代表组成。
In such cases , china shall promptly notify the committee on import licensing of the exceptional circumstances requiring the shorter period of licence validity 在此类情况下,中国应将要求缩短许可证有效期的例外情况迅速通知进口许可程序委员会。
China shall report annually to the committee on import licensing on its automatic import licensing procedures , explaining the circumstances which give rise to these requirements and justifying the need for their continuation 中国应每年向进口许可程序委员会报告其自动进口许可程序的情况,说明产生这些要求的情况,并证明继续实行的需要。